Five Marvel locations that need their own massive LEGO sets

The Marvel universe spans a whole multiverse of characters and locations, so following the release of 76178 Daily Bugle here are a few we’d love to see given an equally huge LEGO set.

From buildings to countries to the homes of heroes and villains alike, Marvel has made many memorable destinations both real and fiction. Some have been the centre of epic confrontations while others simply provide a place to relax.

So far, the LEGO Marvel has visited many of the most iconic places within the MCU and comics, but with the release of 76178 Daily Bugle, we can’t help but wonder what much larger versions would look like – especially with 76178 Daily Bugle potentially teasing another building.

Oscorp Tower

Image: PlayStation

As the home base of the company referenced multiple times in 76178 Daily Bugle, Oscorp Tower has become just as recognisable as the Avengers HQ for being the birthplace of Spider-Man’s powers and one of his most memorable villains.


A LEGO model of the iconic tower could be similar to 76178 Daily Bugle in that it could be inspired from many different interpretations, such as the building as it appears in the Spider-Man games on PlayStation.

Avengers Tower

LEGO Marvel 76166 Avengers Tower Battle

The Avengers Tower is a location that has been very recently realised in the LEGO Marvel theme, but 76166 Avengers Tower Battle is a little small when stacked next to the likes of 76178 Daily Bugle.

A bigger model could fully realise the building, maybe even as it was seen in the MCU. It’s not hard to imagine a small Quinjet hangar towards the top and individual rooms for each Avenger.

The X-Mansion

The X-Mansion is the HQ of the X-Men, who seem to have a simple naming convention when it comes to their property. The massive estate could easily make a set to rival the size of 76178 Daily Bugle, and the appearance of Fire Star might be a sign of things to come.

A facade-style model might be the best way to go for the X-Mansion, splitting the focus between size, the exterior and the interior. The house has been seen in LEGO Marvel video games before, so there’s plenty of inspiration to draw from.


Image: Marvel

Yes, we’ve seen Wakanda before in a LEGO set but it was by no definition big. 76103 Corvus Glaive Thresher Attack formed part of the Avengers: Infinity War wave and represented the scientifically advanced region with a small outpost.

A larger set dedicated to Wakanda could see a series of buildings forming a skyline-like shape. Each might even include a small interior with rooms such as the throne room, Shuri’s Lab and a hangar for 76186 Black Panther Dragon Flyer


Image: Joe (jnj_bricks)

As you can see in the image above, a LEGO Asgard has more than enough potential for a huge set, even at microscale. The iconic golden palace housing Odin and the rest of the gods could make a unique LEGO set with possible hints of drum-lacquered gold scattered throughout.

The minifigure selection might even offer a chance at a LEGO Warriors Three and Lady Sif, but we’ll have to see if the LEGO Group ever manages to make a set based on this Norse legend turned superhero icon.

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Author Profile

Jack Yates
Jack Yates
LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.

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Jack Yates

LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.

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