Choose your path to all 12 LEGO Dungeons & Dragons minifigures

The LEGO Dungeons & Dragons minifigure series is almost here so take part in a tale to discover all 12 minifigures and choose your path wisely. 

With one week remaining until LEGO Collectible Minifigures 71047 Dungeons & Dragons hit shelves, it’s time for a different kind of report for the fantasy minifigures, spinning a grand tale to highlight all 12 upcoming characters. Before we begin, you might be tempted to secure a full set of the LEGO D&D minifigures at The Minifigure Store while you still can. 

Whether you’ve placed an order already or are aiming to use Brick Search to hunt for the 12 characters in person, prepare yourself as it’s time to see what adventure awaits the LEGO Dungeons & Dragons minifigures. You won’t need any dice for this tale, but you will be prompted to make choices that affect your journey.

Choose your adventurer

Any great adventure needs equally great adventurers and though there are many customisable characters in 71047 Dungeons & Dragons, for this adventure we present to you a horned character proficient in the arcane arts, a heroic gold-scaled agent of divine power and a small but mighty warrior powered by rage and fury. 

Pick your adventurer from the Tiefling Sorcerer, Dragonborn Paladin or Dwarf Barbarian and scroll down to start the adventure properly. 

The quest begins

A crack of thunder booms through the air as heavy rain almost pierces the tavern’s wooden roof. Seeking shelter, you quickly dash inside, slamming the door open as the tavern’s denizens all stare towards you in a mix of shock and curiosity. It’s a busy evening and there are nearly no seats available, even at the bar. 

Your eyes are drawn towards a booth on the far end of the room with a figure hunched over a bubbling, glowing cauldron about the size of a bucket. There’s plenty of room at the booth, suggesting that the tavern’s customers may be avoiding this figure. 

As you stare at the near-empty booth, the character looks up and stares at you, gleaming at your intentions. It’s not hard to discern that she is a powerful mage of some kind, and it would be wise not to get on her bad side. She waves you over to the booth in a surprisingly welcoming fashion and you feel inclined to take a seat. 

A glowing purple hand brings over a menu as the figure simply introduces herself as Tasha, offering to pay for whatever you’d like, as long as you hear out a humble request. Tasha knows of a powerful and malicious force working away at a dangerous spell nearby – one that would put everyone in this tavern and the towns beyond its walls in great danger. She seeks your help in finding this malicious force and stopping their scheme before it’s too late, promising a hefty enchantment and cash reward should you help her in this task. 

Whether driven by the temptation of power, greed or doing the right thing, you accept Tasha’s quest and with a wave of her hand, the storm stops and the clouds part outside, revealing a stunning sunset that shines a spotlight on a nearby path. When you turn around from the window, Tasha is gone and traces of magic can be sensed in the air. Setting forth, the path leads you through luscious fields until it splits in two, both leading in roughly the same direction. One path leads to a steep mountain range and the other to a heavy forest. It’s time to make your first choice. 

Click here to wander down the mountain path. 

Click here to trek into the forest. 

Over the mountain

The mountain path may seem dangerous, but the views it offers are divine, distracting you from the dangers ahead. As you stare toward the horizon, taking in the incredible sights including the many towns that dot the landscape, a voice screeches out to you.  

It catches your attention as you stop in your tracks. You have just barely avoided losing your footing on the broken pathway, slipping down the mountain almost surely to your death. 

Looking around quickly, you spot a winged figure in leather armour swooping toward you. The friendly ranger consoles you and checks to see whether you are injured. They are relieved to see that they warned you just in time.  

They inform you that swarms of undead have recently been spotted in the area, pushing boulders from further up the mountain and causing landslides. With their help, you manage to avoid any other broken segments of the path and safely make your way through the mountain range, seeing the two paths converge on the other side. The friendly Aarakocra ranger flies away, wishing you well as they resume their duties to warn other adventurers of the recent dangers. 

Click here to continue your journey. 

Through the forest

Stepping into the forest, you are quickly soothed by the sounds of the trees swaying, the leaves crunching beneath your feet and the odd chirps from birds, singing their evening songs. As you keep pace, moving forward through the forest, a bird lands on your shoulder, causing you to stop in your tracks. Soon after, the bird leaps onto a branch that starts to move, swinging out from behind a tree and revealing a short figure clad in green robes and antlers poking out from a hood. 

The cautious druid warns you to respect nature as you take this path and mind where you step as the path ahead is overgrown and hard to navigate. As they look you over, they offer assistance in helping you find your way out of the forest in exchange for assistance in rescuing a friend. The bard from their adventuring party has been captured by undead and they would appreciate the assistance of a skilled adventurer. 

Working together, the druid leads you to a nearby grove, where the plants and trees have withered away in the presence of the undead force. For any singular adventurer, they would have been too much to handle but as the druid transforms into a fierce bear, you join them in battle. Whether through faith, magic or rage, you defeat the undead force with ease as a well-dressed bard runs out from behind a nearby bush. As it turns out, the undead had no idea they were there and the druid apologises for the misunderstanding, healing you of all your wounds that you suffered in the battle. 

Feeling refreshed, you continue on your way joined by the bard and the druid, finding the rest of the path and leaving the forest. The duo wishes you well and waves goodbye as you see the two paths from earlier converge, leading further into the fields beyond. 

Click here to continue your journey. 

Enter the mine

Whether you came from the mountains or the forest, you find yourself coming upon an abandoned mine, with wooden planks once prohibiting entry into the cavern, marked as dangerous by a nearby sign. These planks have been forcefully blasted, shattering them with burn marks still visible. Whoever broke in, they broke in recently. Presuming the cause of this blast to be the malicious force from earlier, you enter the abandoned mine and quickly find another fork in the road. 

Click here to follow the path to the left, drawn by an ominous purple glow. 

Click here to follow the path to the right, drawn by the faint sound of chanting. 

Danger to the left 

Choosing the path to the left, you can hear the sound of something scuttling in the distance as the purple glow becomes brighter. As you trek closer to the source, you see a strange, horrifying character with flowing black robes and tentacles on their face, taking in a book as glowing purple energy flows from its pages into their eyes. 

They are swarmed by a few smaller creatures, resembling brains on clawed legs. Looking closer, you manage to catch a glimpse of what they are reading. While you expect it to be an arcane almanac of all things evil, the pages instead tell a whimsical tale featuring ninjas, dragons and colourful gadgets. You suspect that the arcane energy flowing from the book is only translating the words into images and that the tentacled figure is simply catching up on their favourite stories. They are no threat to you right now and you decide to conserve your energy and move forward. 

Click here to continue your journey. 

A ritual to the right

As you journey down the right path, the sound of chanting grows louder as you begin to see a faint blue glow in a nearby cavern ahead. Suddenly, the chanting stops and you hear the distinct sound of shuffling feet. Moving forward into the cavern opening, you are shocked to find a knife at your throat. 

A yellow-skinned figure in dark blue robes has raced towards you, choosing to stop just before slicing at you and commanding you to explain yourself. With no choice but to comply, you inform them of your quest. After a few tense seconds, the knife is removed from next to your throat, putting you out of danger for now. 

The character apologises for their actions but explains that they too are on a quest, searching for a dangerous entity known as a Mind Flayer. They seek to eliminate them from this world before they harm anyone and were in the middle of a ritual to locate them before you interrupted. Should you offer your help, they quickly decline, explaining that this is a matter of honour and that they must do this alone. They wish you well on your quest and offer to help, should you ask for it somehow. 

How you might beseech their aid is unclear to you as you don’t expect to see this figure again. Nevertheless, you embark onwards and see the next stage of your adventure just ahead. 

Click here to continue your journey. 

Mirrors, Mirrors on the walls

The two paths converge into a long stone corridor as you see the natural shaping of the cave give way to a carved, man-made passageway. This passageway quickly leads to a larger room, similarly, carved to a specific design. Dozens of mirrors line the walls of this room, and you sense a strong hint of magic emanating from them. 

Before you have the chance to decide whether it is safe to approach, the mirrors alight with purple energy, changing from a reflection of the room to a view into another world entirely. A couple of these windows into other realms catch your eye. One features an orange-robed figure with an intricate headdress floating through packed city streets, with magic-lit signs advertising businesses and doors with adventurers of all shapes and sizes wandering through. You glance away just as she peers directly towards you. 

Another mirror offers a peek into a darker realm in both appearance and aesthetics. A grey-skinned figure in red robes and a fur collar swirls a glass of a deep red liquid, comfortably sitting on a throne as swarms of bats swoop around the space surrounding him. After taking in both views, you choose to move forward and finish your quest once and for all. Before you leave the room though, you spot a pedestal with a crystal featuring dozens of reflections. You recognise some of the characters you have met on this adventure in the reflections and decide to take the item with you just in case. 

Click here to continue your journey. 

The dead end

Beyond the room of mirrors is a large chamber with torches wreathed in red flame and a maroon spell circle carved on the floor as what appears to be a corpse is casting a ritual in front of you. It’s not hard to discern from the sheer energy of this ritual that this is the malicious force Tasha spoke of. They seem distracted and you decide to rush into battle against the undead foe before they have a chance to act. 

Despite landing a successful first blow, they appear to be unaffected by your attack and the living corpse slowly turns around, a pair of red eyes staring deep into your soul out of hollow eye sockets. Suddenly, you realise that this is none other than Szass Tam, a dangerous lich who you won’t be able to defeat, not alone. 

As the battle continues, spells are cast and blows exchanged but you barely manage to make a dent in the Lich’s defences. The fight appears to be over as you feel your remaining health drain away, a necrotic spell powering up your opponent. Suddenly, you recall the reflecting crystal in your pocket and determine that this may be your last chance to use it, at least to see what it does. It’s not like the situation can get much worse for you. 

Shattering the crystal in your hand, cracks in reality form as the heroes that you have met on this quest rush through them, coming to your aid in the final battle. With a full party by your side, you finally stand a chance against Szass Tam and together you rush forward to finish the fight. 

You can decide how successful the party is in the final battle with the upcoming 71047 Dungeons & Dragons minifigures. Click here to secure a full set of minifigures at The Minifigure Store before they launch on September 1. 

Those opting to hunt for the minifigures in person can download Brick Search in advance too and get accustomed to the app’s minifigure scanner to reveal who is inside which blind box. 

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Author Profile

Jack Yates
Jack Yates
LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.

Jack Yates

LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.

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