‘A game-changer’: What people are saying about the Brick Search app’s Series 25 minifigure scanner

The Brick Search app recently made it possible to scan LEGO Minifigures Series 25 boxes to find out what’s inside – see what people are saying about this significant development.

Already offering a price comparison tool, an extensive database of LEGO sets and wishlist and collection features, Brick Search was able to amend the barcode scanner – that allows barcodes of LEGO sets recently released to be scanned to quickly find them in the back catalogue – to work with the larger of the data matrix codes LEGO included on the Series 25 boxes. You can download Brick Search for iOS devices here, and for Android devices here.

Previously, anyone wanting to get their hands on a specific minifigure had to rely on one of the innovative-but-unreliable methods the LEGO community came up with. These included weighing the boxes, copying the 12-digit number on the bottom and comparing each box with the dozen different numbers or risking damaging the box by inserting a camera into one of the corners.

After years of trying – LEGO’s blind packaging approach dating back more than a decade – the Brick Search app’s Series 25 minifigure scanner provided a fool-proof way of telling what was inside the box. No long lists of numbers, no specialist cameras and no kitchen scales – just the app and a box with the right data matrix code on it.


Click here to learn more or if you’re experiencing issues using the Brick Search Series 25 minifigure scanner.

We tested it out in stores, sending Brick Fanatics’ Matthew out to see if he could get all 12 using the Brick Search scanner. You can see how he did in the video below, and see how to use the Series 25 minifigure scanner as well.

As you can see, Matthew was delighted with the Series 25 minifigure scanner. And he’s not the only one:

“A game changer – The Brick Post, January 8

“The Brick Search method works” – Reddit, January 14

“I love this app more than my family” – Instagram, January 12

You can also see the Brick Search Series 25 minifigure in action via multigasmgeek, thebrickhero and Hopkins of Wicklow, all on Instagram.

Now, we’re not going to pretend the Series 25 minifigure scanner hasn’t encountered any issues – some people have reported finding it difficult to avoid scanning the box on the barcode (which will show the range as a whole in the app, rather than a specific minifigure), and boxes with the smaller of the two data matrix codes seem to be common, particularly in the United States.

There’s also been a bit of confusion: the scanner only works on Series 25 minifigures – that is the first series with a data matrix code on the base. Read this FAQ if there are any other questions, or get in touch on the email address below.

But as you can see, the Series 25 minifigure scanner works and we’re proud of it (the one about loving it more than your family might be pushing it a bit, to be honest). It’ll work for you, too, if you can get the right box and keep that pesky barcode out the way (try putting your finger over it).

If you want to download Brick Search and try the minifigure scanner out yourself, you can do so for iOS devices here, and for Android devices here. Please get in touch and let us know if you’re making use of the minifigure scanner or any other feature – feedback and questions can go to [email protected]. And if you’ve downloaded our app and want to leave a rating and a review in the app store, please do that too. Thank you!

Author Profile

A writer, wrestling and football fan – a long-suffering Everton season ticket holder in fact – and Brick Fanatics contributor, as well as overseeing all things related to Brick Search, the LEGO set app.


A writer, wrestling and football fan – a long-suffering Everton season ticket holder in fact – and Brick Fanatics contributor, as well as overseeing all things related to Brick Search, the LEGO set app.

7 thoughts on “‘A game-changer’: What people are saying about the Brick Search app’s Series 25 minifigure scanner

  • 18/01/2024 at 13:29

    it’s great for making the stores in a 15 mile radius empty for the figs that I want

    • 19/01/2024 at 08:26

      I hope you’re not one of those dudes who searches for and buys up certain mnifigs to pile up on the valuable ones and attempt to sell them for a profit. I hate people like that, they’re greedy capitalistic party poopers. How much money are they thinking of making from that? 100-200? I find these practices pathetic. In theory there should be a complete series if there are 20 boxes left. I bought 30 boxes blind and were still 4 missing. As by chance there was no gaat herder and ive seen people posting 10 copies of those online at 12€ a piece….

  • 18/01/2024 at 11:06

    Yeah, except it doesn’t work on any of the boxes with small QR codes. This is only a game-changer if you have the luck to find big QR code. Otherwise it doesn’t work. And as my store only has small QR codes this app doesn’t help me.

    • 18/01/2024 at 22:51

      Hasn’t worked on any of the boxes I’ve scanned in our local Tesco stores thus far.

  • 17/01/2024 at 21:27

    Ordered 24 from Lego but they were all the older small barcodes unfortunately.
    Still missing 2 minifigures but none of the supermarkets seem to have them in stock.

  • 17/01/2024 at 17:24

    It’s brilliant!
    I got all the ones I wanted in a minute or two. It’s quicker than feeling bags used to be!

    • 19/01/2024 at 08:29

      where are you based? I’m confident this only works for certain countries/areas.
      I’ll try scanning all those I have and see how many pop-up. I’ve weighted them and sorted them according to weight.


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