Complete your LEGO 71047 D&D collection using the Brick Search app

With LEGO 71047 Dungeons & Dragons now available in the wild, your chances of assembling a full collection will be boosted by using Brick Search.

Fans of classic tabletop RPGs and LEGO minifigure collecting have plenty to get excited about this month, thanks to the long-awaited arrival of 71047 Dungeons & Dragons. The latest LEGO CMF includes a total of 12 must-have characters to hunt down, with a number of the minifigures boasting a selection of unique parts and accessories.

While the 71047 Dungeons & Dragons minifigures are all packaged in sealed blind boxes, using the free Brick Search app makes getting hold of a full collection that much easier. The new LEGO CMF features a data matrix code located on the bottom of each box, which can be scanned in order to discover which character is waiting within.

Before you make your purchase, simply download the Brick Search app on your mobile device and tap the blue camera button at the bottom to open up the scanner. Then position it over the data matrix code on each 71047 Dungeons & Dragons box and reveal who’s lurking inside.


There’ll be no more tearing open blind boxes only to find you already have five Halfling Druid minifigures. Instead, you’ll be able to choose the 71047 Dungeons & Dragons characters that you want, whether that’s multiples for army building and customisation or a full set of all 12 heroes and villains.

You can check out more must-read 71047 Dungeons & Dragons content on Brick Fanatics too, from deep dives into what the wider fan community thinks of the LEGO CMF, behind-the-scenes interviews with the CMF’s designers and how the series compares to fans’ own creations.

Our dedicated Brick Search 71047 Dungeons & Dragons landing page has all the information you’ll need to download, install and use the app, making getting hold of a complete LEGO CMF collection one battle you can definitely win.

Be sure to download the Brick Search app for free by clicking here on Android or here on IOS, or by scanning the QR code below.

Support the work that Brick Fanatics does by purchasing your LEGO using our affiliate links. Thanks!

Author Profile

Matt Yeo
From video game journalism to kids’ publishing, I’ve been there, seen it, done it and worn the T-shirt. I was also the editor of the first-ever official LEGO magazine way back when, LEGO Adventures. I have a passion for movies, comic books, tech and video games, with a wallet that’s struggling to keep up with my LEGO set wish list.

Matt Yeo

From video game journalism to kids’ publishing, I’ve been there, seen it, done it and worn the T-shirt. I was also the editor of the first-ever official LEGO magazine way back when, LEGO Adventures. I have a passion for movies, comic books, tech and video games, with a wallet that’s struggling to keep up with my LEGO set wish list.

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