How to hack LEGO Minifigures Series 25 blind boxes with the Brick Search app

LEGO Minifigures Series 25 comes in blind box packaging, making it impossible to know which minifigure is inside, right? Not if you’ve got the Brick Search app to hack the blind boxes…

Brick Search’s scanner can read the information stored on data matrix code on the base of the box, match it to the information in the app’s database, and show you which minifigure is inside – all in a matter of seconds.

You can try it for yourself. All you need to do is download Brick Search – for iOS devices here and Android devices here – and get hold of the Series 25 boxes. Once you’ve installed the app, open it and go to the scanner via the blue button at the base, and point it at what looks like a small QR code – that’s the data matrix code.

Note that some boxes have a smaller data matrix code that can’t be scanned – the image below explains what to look for.


Click here to learn more or if you’re experiencing issues using the Brick Search Series 25 minifigure scanner.

The LEGO Group introduced the blind box packaging to replace the foil packages, and in doing so made it more difficult to tell what is inside. Some minifigure hunters took to weighing the boxes in-store, while others tried to insert a small camera into the corner to look inside. Some even went so far as to open the boxes and leave them on the shelves if they didn’t like what was inside.

Brick Search’s Series 25 minifigure scanner means there’s no need for any of that – just download the free app and find out what’s in the box in seconds. Get it for Android or iOS.

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Author Profile

A writer, wrestling and football fan – a long-suffering Everton season ticket holder in fact – and Brick Fanatics contributor, as well as overseeing all things related to Brick Search, the LEGO set app.

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A writer, wrestling and football fan – a long-suffering Everton season ticket holder in fact – and Brick Fanatics contributor, as well as overseeing all things related to Brick Search, the LEGO set app.

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