How to use LEGO The Legend of Zelda 77092 Great Deku Tree’s leftover pieces

LEGO The Legend of Zelda 77092 Great Deku Tree 2-in-1 has a bunch of leftover pieces no matter which configuration you choose, so here’s one way to put them to good use.

Nintendo fans will have a difficult choice to make come September 1: do you build the Great Deku Tree as it appears in Ocarina of Time, or Breath of the Wild? 77092 Great Deku Tree 2-in-1 includes the pieces for either option, though like all sets with multiple builds (paging the Creator 3-in-1 line-up) that means you’re going to be left with a handful of elements that aren’t required for the design you’ve chosen.

The good news is that there is technically at least one way to build displays for both retro and modern The Legend of Zelda games using only the parts in 77092 Great Deku Tree 2-in-1 – and it puts the leftover pieces from one of the set’s standard configurations to use in the process. First, follow the instructions to assemble the Great Deku Tree as seen in Ocarina of Time.

In this configuration, you’ll still piece together the set’s two side builds that are common across both of its included designs: Link’s house from Ocarina of Time, and the Master Sword plinth from Breath of the Wild. Both are fine additions to 77092 Great Deku Tree 2-in-1, but the plinth (as pictured above) is a little plain all things considered. That’s where those leftover pieces come in.


Brick Fanatics’ Dimitri took the additional elements available after constructing the Ocarina of Time tree and spruced up the plinth, adding two cherry blossom trees, a sprinkling of Koroks and the Link and Zelda minifigures from Breath of the Wild. All told it brings to life a build that once looked relatively featureless, and arguably works as a fine display piece all on its own – so you can show off worthy odes to both The Legend of Zelda games simultaneously.

Hit play below to see Dimitri talk through the modified plinth in person during his review of the set. (The video will start playing from the relevant moment in the review.)

Doing something like this with your own copy of 77092 Great Deku Tree 2-in-1 will not only allow you to better display your Breath of the Wild minifigures while the tree is in its Ocarina of Time configuration, but you’ll arguably also get better value for money from what is a relatively expensive product.

2-in-1 and 3-in-1 sets typically suffer from not using all the LEGO in the box for their alternate models, and if you don’t have a particular use for those leftover pieces, you might find yourself feeling slightly shortchanged by the size of what you’re actually putting on display. Finding a way to incorporate as many elements as possible into one build is a great way to make 77092 Great Deku Tree 2-in-1’s hefty price tag a little easier to stomach.

Check out our full written and video reviews of 77092 Great Deku Tree 2-in-1 ahead of the first LEGO The Legend of Zelda set’s release on September 1, or head straight over to to pre-order your copy now.

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Chris Wharfe
I like to think of myself as a journalist first, LEGO fan second, but we all know that’s not really the case. Journalism does run through my veins, though, like some kind of weird literary blood – the sort that will no doubt one day lead to a stress-induced heart malfunction. It’s like smoking, only worse. Thankfully, I get to write about LEGO until then.

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Chris Wharfe

I like to think of myself as a journalist first, LEGO fan second, but we all know that’s not really the case. Journalism does run through my veins, though, like some kind of weird literary blood – the sort that will no doubt one day lead to a stress-induced heart malfunction. It’s like smoking, only worse. Thankfully, I get to write about LEGO until then.

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