LEGO Art 31213 Mona Lisa faces a challenge when it comes to subtlety

Subtlety may not be 31213 Mona Lisa’s strongest point, but the LEGO Art set is still an enjoyable and visually stunning build.

Included in the range of upcoming LEGO sets due for release on October 1 is 31213 Mona Lisa, a 1,503-piece brick-built masterpiece priced at £89.99 / $99.99 / €99.99. The LEGO Art model attempts to recreate Leonardo Da Vinci’s iconic 500 year-old painting with a selection of blocky elements, including a frame that’s made from the most drum-lacquered gold elements included in a LEGO set to date.

The latest iconic image to have been translated into brick form, 31213 Mona Lisa has a real challenge on its hands. Using LEGO pieces to emulate subtle brushstrokes, hair and the enigmatic smile of its subject matter isn’t the simplest of things to achieve, but the LEGO Art set does a mostly satisfying job of achieving just that.

The LEGO Art designers have also used more vibrant colours to recreate 31213 Mona Lisa, opting to present a version of the painting that better reflects how the original version may have looked some five centuries ago.


While 31213 Mona Lisa features some clever parts usage and attention to detail, the completed model may not quite be for everyone’s taste. However, when displayed on a wall, the Mona Lisa’s face does look much better up close, plus there’s also the option to switch out her printed eyes with a more abstract appearance, giving builders a couple of visual options to try out.

Brick Fanatics’ Matthew has used his own artistic skills to assemble 31213 Mona Lisa and you can find out what he thinks of the set over on the dedicated Brick Fanatics YouTube channel. There’s also our full review of the LEGO Art set here and don’t forget to pre-order the upcoming model here.

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Author Profile

Matt Yeo
From video game journalism to kids’ publishing, I’ve been there, seen it, done it and worn the T-shirt. I was also the editor of the first-ever official LEGO magazine way back when, LEGO Adventures. I have a passion for movies, comic books, tech and video games, with a wallet that’s struggling to keep up with my LEGO set wish list.

YouTube video

Matt Yeo

From video game journalism to kids’ publishing, I’ve been there, seen it, done it and worn the T-shirt. I was also the editor of the first-ever official LEGO magazine way back when, LEGO Adventures. I have a passion for movies, comic books, tech and video games, with a wallet that’s struggling to keep up with my LEGO set wish list.

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