LEGO Ideas 21343 Viking Village fan designer pitches Italian Villa

The mind behind LEGO Ideas 21343 Viking Village is back with an Italian submission that would pair well with an upcoming set.

From Vikings to the rolling hills of Italy, BrickHammer is back with their latest project in a review round. Their Italian Villa submission was pitched last November and has now hit the 10,000 supporters required to become an official set.

Using 2,808 pieces, the brick-built home includes three minifigures and a trio of rooms to explore as well as a detached shed on top of the hill. A vineyard sits next door and the model is filled with bright but natural colours that would look great next to Alex Sahli’s upcoming Italian Riviera set.

This project was originally designed for Series 2 and 3 of the LEGO BrickLink Designer Program, but it was not approved for a set in either round. Now, BrickHammer hopes to relive his previous success with this homely model.


You can pick up 21343 Viking Village now for a taste of their fan-designed builds and click here to read our review. Here’s every project currently in the third 2024 review round on LEGO Ideas.

Every LEGO Ideas project in the third 2024 review

NumberLEGO Ideas projectLEGO Ideas userDate qualified
1Cliffside Housered-panda58892September 4, 2024
2Gravity Falls – The Mystery Shackmad.bricksSeptember 7, 2024
3Round House Ski LodgeThomasTheCrossSeptember 7, 2024
4Italian VillaBrickHammerSeptember 8, 2024

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Author Profile

Jack Yates
Jack Yates
LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.

Jack Yates

LEGO has been a part of my life ever since I was young. It all started when my brother passed down 7657 AT-ST to me. It’s guided me through my early years, through school and eventually through my degree in journalism. I still have all my collection proudly on display, including my many NINJAGO sets, my favourite of all the LEGO Group’s themes. Outside of Brick Fanatics I am an avid gamer and enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons.

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