More LEGO Fortnite games are in the works for the future

Hot on the heels of the initial launch of LEGO Fortnite, it’s now confirmed that more content will be on the way – and sooner than you might expect.

A short line in the press release of the LEGO Fortnite launch reveals that more content will be on the way as soon as early next year. That would be just a few short weeks after the first playable content launched on December 7.

“The LEGO Group and Epic Games will unveil several more LEGO-themed games inside Fortnite starting early next year,” promises the press release.

That suggests there will be multiple more packages of content on the way, likely offering new variations of gameplay, styles of game, and objectives along the way. It’s in true Fortnite style, with Epic Games regularly updating the game with new chapters, skins, and content since its launch back in 2017. That’s part of the reason why it remains in the top three most-played games six years after its release: there’s always something new to do.


It also highlights that this partnership between the LEGO Group and Epic Games is a long-standing one, not a one-off launch. It remains to be seen what actually comes from next year’s content but, with the sheer amount of relevant IPs already in the game of Fortnite, various potential game modes, and much more besides, the world is truly Epic Games/the LEGO Group’s oyster.

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Rachael Davies
Rachael Davies
I write about all the very best fandoms – and that means LEGO, of course. Spending so much time looking at and talking about LEGO sets is dangerous for my bank balance, but the LEGO shelves are thriving. You win some, you lose some.

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Rachael Davies

I write about all the very best fandoms – and that means LEGO, of course. Spending so much time looking at and talking about LEGO sets is dangerous for my bank balance, but the LEGO shelves are thriving. You win some, you lose some.

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